we are wellcoming new users to our xmpp Service. 
If you would like to register on our xmpp server, you can use any xmpp client
which supports registration. For people who use Android i will recomend to use
conversation application.
To get conversation i will recomend to use f-droid store.

You might ask what is f-droid?
f-droid store is a package manager which provides free and open source software
for example google-play store. but f-droid provide free and open source software

If you want a simple lightweight client for f-droid i will recommend foxydroid
you can get apk using this link.

After install you have to update repository for new update of applications.
you can find update repository botton from navigation bar at right corner.
after update repo (repository) you can search for conversation app and install it.
To register using conversation open conversation app choose register
after that you will be prompted to new window select "my own provider"
when you click there you will be prompted with a window for registration.
for username choose USERNAME@inspirenet.org & choose password of your choice.
replace USERNAME with username you want to use.
After registration please join our main Group Chat. 
you can ask on Group Chat for support.
I will answere you ASAP. Here is the Link of our Group chat.